Dictionary Help


Whole Word Checkbox
When this box is checked, searching for house will not find greenhouse and housefly.
When this box is not checked, searching for house finds house, greenhouse, housefly, etc.

Searching for house finds "house".
The symbol % means any series of letters, or zero letters. Searching for h%se finds hose, horse and house.
The symbol _ (underscore) means any letter. Searching for h_se finds hose.

Phrases and Sentences
Searching for house finds "house" and phrases containing the word "house", like "to stay at someone's house".

Finding Dutch Verbs and Nouns
You don't need an infinitive to find a Dutch verb. Just enter the word you know. Examples:
Searching for namen aan finds the verb aannemen (to adopt)
Searching for brachten finds the verb brengen (to bring).
You can also enter the plural of a Dutch noun. Example:
Searching for namen finds de naam (the name), and some verbs.

Search Results

Links to Images
To view an image of something, first search for the word and then click on it when a link is available. Example: apple (See also the Visual Dictionary.)

Links to Verb Conjugation Tables
To view a conjugation table (eight tenses and moods of a verb), first search for the verb and then click on it when a link is available. Example: kopen

Basic Verb Conjugation
Some conjugation information is already shown in the search result list, because it doesn't take much space: (1st person past tense, 1st person present perfect tense). Example: kopen (kocht, heb gekocht) means:
kopen (to buy) is the infinitive
ik kocht (I bought) is the 1st person past tense
ik heb gekocht (I have bought) is the 1st person present perfect tense

Singular and Plural
The plural of a Dutch word is in parentheses. Example: het huis (de huizen) means:
het huis is singular
de huizen is plural.

Important Translations First
This dictionary is a list of English words (and phrases) and their Dutch translations. Often, just one of the translations is correct in a given context. Care is taken to list the most common Dutch translation first. Example: case, where naamval is a less important grammatical term listed 4th.
Remark: This does not work for Dutch to English translations. In that case the list order determines the order of the search results. Example: zaak

Extra Information between parentheses
Other information might be shown between parentheses, for instance that the Dutch verb hoeven is used in negative sentences.


Linking to the Dictionary
When you link to the dictionary using the wildcard %, use %25 instead of % in your html file. Otherwise the percent sign and the two following characters are converted to a character you are not searching for. But %25 is converted to %, as desired. Example:

<a href="www.valley-trail.com/dictionary.php?search=a%25&lang=1&exact=on">words beginning with a</a> will access this page


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